Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Easter Weekend

Here is Z in her sailor dress. She loves these empty plastic eggs. She tried to eat a couple dry leaves...

Easter Dinner

Stuffed Tomatoes

Main Course 
Crockpot Rosemary Chicken (whole, pastured) 
with Mashed Potatoes & Chicken Gravy

Salad/Cheese Course 
Broccoli Salad

Carrot Cake 
with Honey Cream Cheese Frosting

Three of my siblings (the ones attending BYU Provo) came for Easter dinner on Sunday. We read verses from the New Testament about the last week of Jesus Christ's life, lead by M. Our church meeting was meaningful for me. I felt Jesus' love for me while singing the closing hymn. During 3rd hour, the instructor showed this video:
I cried. Putting myself in the father's place, if Z died like this, it would be awful. It must have been  heart renching for our Father in Heaven. I thank God for sacrificing his Son for me. 


  1. Little Z is so cute in her sailor easter dress.

  2. This is so nice, you are so talented and I look up to you a lot.
